Is my two front teeth! Pierce got his two lower teeth this past week (the bottom right peeked out first), and it looks like his two top teeth are on their way in. Hopefully once those four are in, the drool and chewing subsides a bit. Though teething hasn't been easy on Pierce, he's been a real trooper, and only had two crabby days--one at daycare last week, and yesterday with me. No pics of the teeth yet...they're barely visible, but soon!
In other firsts, Pierce is no longer a vegetarian. He tried ground turkey yesterday, and like most foods, ate it up. It was actually quite the dinner--turkey puree served with asparagus risotto. So far, the only food Pierce has not been a fan of at first is plain yogurt, though after multiple attempts he loves it (especially with blueberry or mango stirred in). He's getting closer to being able to try finger foods, so real meals (not just fruits/veggies/cereal) are right around the corner!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Easter Bunny!
We celebrated our first Easter together with a visit from the Easter bunny at home. We had lots of visitors for the occasion! Nana, Pops and Aunt Darcy were in Boston for the holiday, so Pierce had a fun and family filled celebration. We started off the day with opening our Easter baskets. Pierce got some great new books and toys, and spent the morning playing with them before church. After church we headed up to Myopia for an Easter brunch with Nana and Pops, Darcy, and Marmie and Papa. The Easter bunny made an appearance and Pierce took advantage of the photo op. It was a really special day, and we felt lucky to spend it with family!

Aruba, Jamaica, baby why don't we go...
I have been remiss about posting since we got back from our amazing trip to Aruba! Pierce proved once again to be an awesome traveler, and he made friends with everyone on the trip down and back, even with a 2 hour delay on the return trip.

Field trip to the butterfly farm
We had a fantastic time with Megan, Zach and Erin Bourque and had quite the daily routine by the end of our trip. 6 am wake-up. 7 am breakfast and beach palapa reservation. Morning beach time and play. Mid-morning nap. Lunch and field trip. Afternoon nap, swim time, then sleep. Pierce loved digging in the sand with Erin, and even indulged in eating some. The water was crystal blue and calm and Pierce loved dipping his toes in the water. The weather was perfect (85 and breezy every day), and we would return to the island in a heartbeat. Here are some pictures to capture the trip--there were too many to choose from!
Getting ready for the afternoon swimField trip to the butterfly farm
Soaking up the morning rays (in lots of SPF!)
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