It's official. Pierce is a walker! He's been on his feet and toying with walking for the past month or so, but in the last two weeks, really prefers to be walking on his own. He can now cruise from room to room in the house--living room to dining room to kitchen is a favorite route, and he laughs his head off as he wobbles while he walks. Here is a little video of him going from one end of the living room to the other.
The walking is adorable to watch, though frightening at the same time. Pierce moves quickly and took a major header into the corner of a wall last night. He got a giant goose egg immediately, but was able to shake it off and start smiling shortly after the accident. Guess Halsey and I have to get used to the bumps and bruises that come along with all of this toddling!
Mealtimes have become more fun lately, with Pierce beginning to self-feed with a spoon and fork. He is still working on the scooping part of spooning, but is really good at getting the food onto the fork! As with all of his accomplishments, Pierce is so proud of his work.

One final change is that we are totally done with bottles. Hooray--no more bottle washing! We've been weaning Pierce off of them for the last month, but had a really hard time dropping the bedtime bottle. Pierce was fine with the change, but we loved that time with him in the evening so kept putting it off. He's drinking only from sippy cups and straws now and our washing hands are grateful!