It is embarassing how empty the blog has been for months. I figured out how to post-date, so I can go back and edit the year to make it look like I was on top of things. It's hard to remember too many details from November (now that it's March), but there are always some pictures!
There were two very exciting reasons to write about this month. One was we took a family trip to the Winchester Hospital ER to get some stitches for Teddy. While playing with Pierce, a small push from behind sent him flying into the bottom corner of our stairs, and 10 stitches later, Teddy came home with a lifetime memento of that moment. Pierce, Teddy and I were all in tears when it happened. It seemed to take forever to stop the bleeding enough to get to the hospital in our own car. Halsey met us there in a cab. Teddy was super brave, and was discharged with his papers after only 2 hours! Our neighbors, the Pines were on call in case we had to bring Pierce home, and spend more time at the hospital. Thank goodness our local hospital has a Pediatric ER--something to keep in mind if we ever move. I think I was more scarred by the event (no pun intended), with Pierce in a close second. Once the stitches were in, Teddy didn't seem to mind his little "owie", but it sure is hard to look at your perfect little baby with a gash on his head! He's a great sport.

The end of the month brought Thanksgiving at the Morrises. We celebrated with Marmie, Papa, Darcy, and the Loomises. The boys were our adorable little turkeys, ate up all of their yummy Thanksgiving goodies, then played on the indoor slide and bouncing horse until they were exhausted!