This weekend marked the first time Halsey and I have hit the slopes in 3 years, and we brought Pierce out to enjoy the snow, too. We all headed up to Mad River Glen with Marmie, Papa and Darcy to ski and relax. After Pierce's initial hesitation about snow at home ("Mine's no like the snow, Mama"), he ended up loving it by the end of the weekend ("I likes the snow now!"). He was so great about putting on all of the gear, trudging across the parking lot (with help from Mom and Dad), and skiing for about half an hour 3 separate times over the weekend. Here are some pictures and videos of our little shredder. Please excuse the volume of my voice on the video--I was a little bit excited!

Teddy laid low over the weekend and got lots of quality playtime in with everyone. He turned 7 months old on Friday, and we celebrated by doing a double tub with the boys! They loved it! Each takes turns laughing and splashing, and it streamlines the evening process a ton. At home we've been using the little baby tub, which Pierce thinks is a hoot, but we used the big tub while we were away. So fun! Teddy is just such a mellow and content baby, just happy being held and hanging out. He seems mesmerized by the light on the camera, though, so he turns off his smile just as we are snapping the photos!