We kicked off the fall (or September at least) with a trip to Yardley to visit the Littles. As always, the cousins had a great time together--scootering around the neighborhood, visiting a sculpture garden and the farm, swimming, reading and eating together. Baby Grant got to meet his cousins (and aunt and uncle) for the first time, and bonded immediately! We braved a night time drive down, and arrived at 11:30 pm with all of us staying in one hotel room. Miraculously, all of the boys slept, we made record time, and everyone slept soundly. It might tempt us to try it again on our next road trip.
Mr. Cool on the road trip. (self-placed sunglasses) |
Next up for fall fun was a trip to Drumlin Farm, complete with a hayride, and visits to the sheep, pigs, chickens, cows and Midnight the pony. We also got to see a black and red fox scampering about waiting for their lunch. It is such a fun little local farm, and the boys never tire of it!
Our annual trip to Honey Pot Hill with the Bourques was the next weekend, and we celebrated Uncle Zach's birthday with some apply picking fun. Sadly, there are only a couple of pictures from the outing, as we were outnumbered by kids this year, and needed all of our hands for wrangling. Hard to believe Megan, Zach, Halsey and I have been heading to the orchards for more than 7 years now--before we were all married! It's a great tradition.
Apple Picking is Exhausting! All 3 boys crashed on the way home.
The rest of our month was filled with swimming classes, birthday parties, and some fun family time. We've got more fall harvest fun on the agenda before the season is over for the year.