Well, hello there Pierce followers. I am pretty excited to start a blog for our little guy where you can follow his every day activities and keep up to date on pictures and milestones. It should be a fun way to document his early days and watch the growth of our Mini-Morris.
Pierce is 13 days old today, and is nearly back up to his birth weight of 8lbs. 11 oz. We are lucky to have a baby that sleeps 4 hour stretches at night and only wakes us 2-3 times for feedings. He's made it pretty easy on his novice parents! He is just getting over his first cold and is back to his normal routine of eating, pooping and sleeping. We are so grateful for all the warm wishes and congratulations we have received since his birth and can't wait to introduce him around to all his family and friends!
It's been an exciting couple of weeks receiving visitors, going for walks and testing out new toys like the vibrating chair, swing, and lounge pillows. All of the trials are followed by some good sleep on mom, dad, or Nana (Laura's mom) who is here helping out for a week. Pierce is strong and is using his big hands and feet to push off of things and practice his tummy time. See his first video below. Fun times!
Yay for Pierce's blog! I love the video, especially with Sadie cheering him on in the background!