And going....
I have been remiss about reporting on Pierce's 4 month appointment from last week. He got 2 more shots, which knocked him out for the afternoon. His health report was glowing. He weighed in at 13 lbs. 5 oz. (nearly a 2 pound gain from 3 months) and has crept up to the 17% for weight. Dr. Joyce is no longer concerned about his weight. Not surprisingly, his height was in the 78% at 25.5 in. Our long and lean boy is in perfect health! Just in time to start day care...
I am in my last 2 weeks of leave, and will start back at school on Jan. 4th. I am heartbroken to leave Pierce, but feel extremely lucky that our day care center is on campus with me. I can rush over whenever I need a PJM fix. I am also looking forward to returning to the classroom, as my little K boys are a joy, too!
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