My first Mother's Day was lovely, and Pierce continues to be the best present I could have ever hoped for. We had a great brunch with Marmie and Papa, followed by Erin Bourque's first birthday party! It was a full day, but Pierce remained a charmer throughout, even though he was dressed in his party clothes instead of comfy play clothes. It's hard to believe that first birthdays are already rolling around for Pierce's friends and family. We're headed to Princeton over Memorial Day Weekend to celebrate Foster's 1st birthday (a week late)! Pierce will be 1 before we know it.
Pierce has started clapping, which may be the cutest thing I have ever seen. It is usually accompanied by a scrunched up nose and a smile. He loves when people acknowledge his clapping with a YAY, and usually claps some more. Here's a video catching him in action:
Also, Pierce is feeding himself--both with his bottles and finger foods. He loves all of the cut up food we've offered so far...except tomatoes. We finally found a food he doesn't devour! We're working on getting him to chew all of the food in his mouth before putting more food in...his first lesson in manners. Two new foods he adores--blackberries and goat cheese and avocado spread on bread. Yum.
We had a beautiful weekend here, full of lots of gardening and outdoor time. Pierce loves the fresh air, and even helped us garden by tearing up the grass around his blanket! Looks like we've got a weeder on our hands.
LOVE the sidewinder!