We arrived in Florida to glorious sunshine and spent some great time swimming (at least 3 times a day), playing at the park and beach, singing and playing with Nana and Gigi, going to the zoo and the local children's museum and trying new foods. Pierce had a real hot dog (with "dip-dip" of course), fresh squeezed orange juice, and chocolate chip cookies (thanks, Gigi!). Vacations are for splurges! It was so nice to be spoiled by grandma and great-grandma for the week.
The weather was perfect in New Orleans, and we spent our days exploring Audobon Park, Audobon Zoo and Laura, a Creole plantation, outside of New Orleans. Pierce saw his old friends, the elephants, giraffes, lions, tigers, gorillas and orangutans. He also was HUGE fan of flamingos ("'mingos"), and bravely pet a boa constrictor, turtle, goats and sheep at the discovery portion of the zoo. It was a great trip!
Pierce's language is exploding and he sings his abc's, wheels on the bus and twinkle, twinkle little star, which really is "tinkle, tinkle, up so high". He repeats nearly every word we say and tries to identify his colors and letters (he's got purple and "O" down pat). He's a barrel of fun at 19 months...and we can't wait to see what's coming down the road!
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