Congratulations to our great friends the Bourques who welcomed little Annie over the weekend! She is adorable! We went to go and visit Megan, Zach and Annie in the hospital where Piercy gave Annie his signature hug (head tilted in, no arms used) and touched her little feet. He tolerated Mom and Dad holding the baby for about 10 minutes before asking to go for a walk in the hospital hallways! Guess it's all good preparation for Mini-Mo #2's arrival in just 1 month!
In other developing news, I am not returning to work next year, and will be home with both babies starting in June. I am nervous for the next chapter, but excited to be able to experience all of the wonderful milestones with both children. Onto a new adventure!
Pierce will be starting at a new school this summer that is just 2 mornings a week. It is called the Preschool Social Academy, and it is very local, so we will have a chance to meet 10 new Winchester families with kids Pierce's age. We're looking forward to meeting some local friends.
School wraps up for me on June 8th, so we are closing in on the end of the year. My kids know that the end is near, and so do all of the teachers. I am excited for the summer, and to have the chance to kick my feet up for a couple of weeks before the new baby arrives.
Thanks for the announcement and well wishes! We loved having you visit us in the hospital. Please come hang out with us when school gets out- we are happy to be a source of entertainment and distraction so you don't get stir crazy waiting for baby (like I did!)