Happy 2nd Birthday, Pierce!
Teddy is growing like a weed--straight up. At 7 weeks old, he weighed in at 11.2 lbs. (50%) and was 24.5 in. tall (97%). Both boys get tall before filling out! We talked about Teddy's fussiness/gassiness, and that, in combination with his rashy skin pointed to a slight lactose intolerance in the little guy. Sadly for me, that means cutting out most, if not all dairy for the time being. Fortunately, it is usually something that babies outgrow in a couple of months. However, thinking about the whole month of August passing without ice cream is torturous! Teddy also got his 2 month vaccines at his appointment so that we could travel by plane with him immunized, so the poor little guy was knocked out for most of the day afterward--which actually gave me the ability to spend some QT with Pierce on his big day.
2 months old!
Pierce celebrated his birthday with his party at our local splash park. All of his buddies came out for the day, and we had the park all to ourselves, which was fantastic! We had a wonderful time playing in the sprinklers, eating lunch at the picnic tables, and enjoying some yummy cupcakes! Pierce made a special request to have his picture taken with Erin Bourque again and again. Those two are too cute! Pierce cried when everyone sang him happy birthday, but cheered up when he was shown all of the frosting he got to eat. :)

Mmmm. Cupcakes!
Perfecting his "cheese" smile!
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