Teddy turned 5 months old on the 27th and he is really coming into his own . He loves sticking out his tongue, trying to sit up (he's almost there...check out the pictures), watching and laughing at Pierce, and trying out his new foods. So far he has sampled sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash and peas. So far he LOVES carrots and peas--he reaches out to grab the spoon and tries his best to feed himself. I can't remember when the eating gets a little cleaner...as of now he is burning through one outfit at lunch and at dinner. It's a good thing he loves tubbies, because he is in there at least once a day! He enjoys spending time in his exersaucer, and has had a great time watching the world while standing up.
We got our Christmas tree this weekend and have had a blast decorating it with the boys. Pierce particularly likes changing the colors of his fingers by pressing on the lights on the trees. This year has been fun, since Pierce is starting to get into the idea of Santa Claus, and loves pointing out the decorations and listening for the reindeer on our roof. It's great to see the holiday through a kid's eyes again!
So big and so cute!! Teddy is on the fast track through veggies -- fun! Annette has tried sweet potatoes and butternut squash, and peas are up this weekend.