Teddy's two bottom teeth came in last Sunday, giving his grin a whole new appeal. I haven't been able to capture them on film, yet, but I did manage to get a glimpse of them in the video below. Pierce is the only one who can get him rolling in laughter.
He is really starting to chat up a storm and loves talking to his toys and family! His favorite sound is "ba" but we're starting to hear some "da-das" in there, too. In addition to his chatting, he also started clapping and catches himself by surprise when he does it. I think he's starting to understand that he'll get a reaction from us, though, because he's started smiling while doing it!
Teddy got an unscheduled weight check at the doctor's office last week. We took Pierce in to have his ear checked out and Teddy got the second dose of his Hep B and flu shots while we were there. He packed on 3 pounds in the last month and is now 18.5 lbs. Wow! He jumped from the 14% to the 52%. He is loving the addition of hummus, small amounts of cream cheese and yogurt, quinoa and amaranth to his diet. Yum! Perhaps this weight gain slowed down his desire to move. He still creeps around and does circles on his belly, but isn't really showing signs of crawling yet. He does pull himself up to a full stand when you hold his hands, though, so maybe he'll skip crawling altogether!
About two weeks ago Teddy started sleeping through the night and now sleeps for 12 hours! He goes to bed between 5:30-6 and wakes up between 5:45 and 6. Wish we could push back that morning time a bit, but we can't complain--we're usually well rested after 12 hours of sleep too. Just in time for Nana and Pops to come and visit. They are staying with the boys for 4 nights while Halsey and I take a grown-ups only trip to Florida.
When I can figure out how to upload pictures from my phone, I will post some from our mild winter. We hunkered down this weekend anticipating 4-6" of snow, but instead got lots of time outdoors! Being a California girl at heart, I don't mind a winter without snow. That means there's only a month or so more until we can say goodbye to Old Man winter!

We're wishing everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day! I had a day at home with my little lovebugs!
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