Friday, September 7, 2012

End of Summer Adventures

August and early September brought us beautiful weather and plenty of chances to spend time outside and enjoy the sunshine and some quality family time! We started off August with a week-long trip to New Hampshire with good friends Scott and Alisa (and Timmy!) Harrison. Alisa was 9 months pregnant and such a trooper for all of our kiddo adventures! We managed to spend some time at the local Mt. Washington children's museum, swim (and sand digging) at the lake by our rental house, a canoe ride, and Pierce's very first hike in The Flume Gorge. He did it all on his own two feet (with minimal whining)--it was 2 miles! We are so proud. Teddy kept me company with early mornings and a chance for coffee overlooking the lake while listening to loons. He mastered the word "duck" on this trip!
Morning Coffee with the Lake...and Teddy!

Breakfast with the boys
Trailside picnic
Our first mini-hike
Boys reading time pre-swim

Family walk to Sabbaday Falls

Checking out the costumes at the museum (Pierce was SO sweaty!)
Musical musical giraffe
Who is that handsome bat?
Construction giraffe
On our way to the Flume
Made it!

Nana and Pops came for a visit mid-month and celebrated our August birthdays while they were here. We went into Boston one day to explore the Greenway, and visited the sprinkler park and carousel and watched the seals at the aquarium on our trek. Then Halsey came to meet us for lunch at a restaurant before we headed home for a good long nap!

We had a relatively quiet Labor Day weekend, and took the opportunity to go raspberry picking at our local farm in town. The boys loved donning little buckets around their necks and sneaking as many berries into their mouths as in the buckets! We came home with some delicious morsels.

We are looking forward to our fall adventures which will include our annual trek to the apple orchard, some leaf peeping and a wedding in Stowe, VT, and, of course, the start of school!

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