Sunday, January 10, 2010
Adventures with Real Food
This weekend home gave us the opportunity to spend some QT together as a family after our first week with a new routine. We savored every minute of it, and had our friends Leah and Scott over for lunch on Saturday. They haven't seen Pierce in a couple of months, so he was a whole new baby. They were wonderful with him and were great sports to put up with Halsey and I jabbering on about baby stuff.
After we enjoyed our lunch together, Pierce got to try having lunch of his own. We tried rice cereal for the first time with him, and he took to real food like a duck takes to water. He seemed to know just what to do, and was relatively cooperative with keeping some of the food in his mouth. Below are a before and after photo shoot, followed by a video chronicling all of the action. In the before, he was practicing his eating by sampling his bib. It's exciting to move into solid foods--especially since I got a baby food steamer/cooker/blender for Christmas and can test it out in a couple of weeks. We'll stick with rice cereal for a couple of weeks, I think, but sweet potatoes are on the horizon...

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Way to go Pierce! I am also very impressed with Dad's left-handed feeding skills :-)