Today was Pierce's first (full) day at daycare and my first day back at work. And luckily, last night was the first time he slept all the way through the night! He has always been a good sleeper (only getting up 1-2 times), and has been giving us 8-9 hour stretches for a while. Suddenly, last night he slept from 5:45pm-5:45am. What a champ! Of course, I still woke up every hour from 2am on to check on him. He was sleeping like a baby. Hopefully this is the start of a new trend!
Another first is that Pierce has been sleeping on his tummy all night long. A couple of weeks ago he began flipping over and waking himself up when he landed on his stomach. Halsey would patiently go into Pierce's room and flip him back over. These tussles went on for a couple of nights, until last night Pierce flipped over as soon as we placed him in his crib and stayed there for the whole night! It is quite a sight to see on the monitor--especially since he is sleeping with his rear in the air like a little inchworm.
Thanks to Halsey's aunts and uncles (the Poozies and Stickies), Pierce has a new exersaucer. He has been in it every day since Christmas, and loves it! His first adventure in his new toy was filled with trepidation, but he now smiles and giggles as he explores all of the treats in his "command center". Here are some shots of Captain Pierce:
That is one gorgeous baby!