The summer fun has also included endless movement from Pierce. He is a crawling, standing, cruising and stair-climbing 11 month old! I am wiped out at the end of the days (as is he) from the constant movement. His new skills have made him fearless, much to our chagrin. Last week he climbed our front hall staircase, smiled proudly at the top, then turned around to go down them face first. Yikes! We're working on going back down stairs facing backwards, but it is a work in progress. Pierce has had a series of bumps and bruises (and lots of "ooops-es") as he cruises, but it is great fun to see his growth. Seems like walking will be right around the corner! I will try and get a good photo or video of him moving. He favorite place to pull up lately has been the piano, so I get treated to a few concerts every day!
Our trip to the Children's Museum was great, and Pierce explored the bubble room and the special Play Zone dedicated to kids under 3. He worked hard on playing, and was zonked at the end of our afternoon visit.
Checking out the bubbles with Dad
We had so much fun at the Children's Museum, that we ventured to Acton to The Discovery Museum the next day. They have converted an old Victorian house into a kid's paradise. The house has about 10 "thematic" rooms ranging from trains and transportation to a diner to the jungle. There are things to see, touch, explore and taste (for Pierce) in every room. His particular favorites were the water table and the jungle room where he gave a good hug to every stuffed animal in the area. As an educator, I get in to both museums for free, so I am planning at least one more trip to each before the summer is out!
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