Pierce turned 1 well over a week ago, but between celebrations, and a trip out of town last weekend for Laura and Halsey, I am just getting around to the post.
Saturday, August 14th was beautiful and perfect for our backyard birthday celebration. Pierce had both sets of grandparents and Aunt Darcy here in attendance to celebrate along with his good buddies Erin Bourque, Spenser and Tessa Deng, and Griffin Hall (plus their parents, and our good friends!). Pierce welcomed each of his friends with a hug before getting down to playtime. We had bubbles, the water table, sandbox and a ball pit set up in the backyard for kids to play in. The ball pit was the biggest hit for Pierce but after that got old, Pierce moved on to the water table, where he spent the end of the party loading and unloading the toys and water, and crawling around in the mud. Besides playing with friends and family, Pierce loved his birthday serenade and eating his delicious carrot cake. In fact, he couldn't wait to have a piece cut for him and stuck his hand right into the black frosting on the head of his ladybug cake! He was in such good spirits for the party, and even managed to continue the celebration with an ice cream and mini-golf outing.
Greeting the grandparents
Everyone loved the ball pit!
Getting ready for the birthday cake!
Getting down and dirty after the cake
We celebrated with gifts the following day, on Pierce's "real" birthday, and it didn't take long for him to dive into his birthday loot. He got a personalized chair that is just his size and he found his way into right away. He loves that he has his own place to sit, and crawls into it as often as he can. Pierce also got a walker wagon which has become a fast favorite, and all of his other toys and books now get carted around the house wherever he goes. He can really move, and is testing standing and stepping on his own. He spends his days loading and unloading the wagon to his heart's content. Here is a video of him moving and grooving!
It's hard to believe our little baby boy made it to a toddler so quickly! This first year was such a whirlwind and full of adventures and growth, and we are so grateful for all of the love, support and guidance we had along the way. So thank you to all of you who have read and commented on this blog and followed Pierce's life so closely. We are lucky to have so many people wanting to be involved in his life. We can't wait to see what Pierce's 2nd year brings as his little personality is just blossoming away!
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