Teddy had his 4 week birthday yesterday, and it's amazing that he's a month old. This last week brought some new adventures, as we gave Teddy his first bath in the tub, his first bottle (thanks, Daddy!), and went out to dinner with the whole family.
We went to the doctor today for his one month check up, and he is up to 10 lbs. 2 oz. (60%) and 23 inches (85%). Dr. Joyce thinks it's pretty amazing that both boys put all of their early growing energy into their height, and add weight once those solids are introduced. Teddy is on a better trajectory than Pierce weight-wise, but is still lengthening first. We have our next appointment for both boys in mid-August--Teddy's 2 month and Pierce's 2 year!
Heading to the doctor
Hanging at home

The start of a smile
We have gotten into a bit of an evening routine with Teddy in that he's been falling asleep for his "long stretch" of 4-6 hours of sleep between 8 and 9 pm. So around 7:45 or 8, after his fussy time, we'll take him upstairs for a tub, lotion and jammies before one last nursing before bed. Hopefully this routine sticks around for a while--we'll add books into the mix soon. The tub seems to really relax him, and he is quite content to sit in the warm water for a while.
The pediatrician suggested starting bottles on the earlier side with Teddy, since eating has not been a problem, and that it will help when Pierce is around to have another way of feeding the baby. He took it without a problem, and Dr. Joyce suggested that a 4 oz. bottle (yikes!) would be fine to give him since he's such a big boy.
We don't have any pictures from dinner, but successfully made it through a seated dinner (at 5 pm) as a foursome. Pierce was super-cooperative, and charmed the waitstaff. Teddy was fussy, but we're trying again this weekend!
Pierce continues to be a ham and surprise us with all of his vocabulary. He has a great sense of humor, and likes to make jokes. His most recent running joke is to look at a person in the room or car and say "I no-no where _____ is" (I don't know where ____ is). If you play into his joke and say "I don't know where _____ is either", he laughs, points and says "right there". The joke is pretty tireless, and he gets a kick out of it every time.
We went to a birthday party this last weekend, and Pierce enjoyed the "hat" from his clown cupcake when we got home. I couldn't resist posting a picture of him with blue frosting all over his face! Nothing like a little sugar before bedtime.
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