It's amazing that Teddy has already been in our lives for 2 weeks! On one hand, it seems surreal that we are now a family of 4, but on the other, it feels like he's always been here. He has just been a doll, and we are enjoying his longer and longer stints of awake time, gazing into his little grey-blue eyes and watching his Zoolander facial expressions. Pierce continues to love Teddy, though "loving" sometimes consists of smacking the little one on the head while simultaneously saying "bouncy, bouncy". Teddy has been very tolerant of his brother's affection, though we all hope it is just a speed-bump along our road to a smooth family life. Pierce has been such a great kid all along, that it is hard to remember that he is not yet 2 and his whole world has just been turned upside down. We finally broke down and bought a book about parenting a toddler!

In the last 2 weeks, we have been to the doctor, where Teddy got a glowing report. He was up over his birth weight and topped the scales at 9 lbs. 7 ozs. Our pediatrician thinks he is eating great, so we can feel free to let him sleep beyond the recommended 2-3 hour eating intervals. The day of his appointment he slept from 5:30-11pm, then 11:45-5am. Woo-hoo! Since then, he has had a couple of good 4 hour stretches, but then is up every 2-3 hours. He still seems to have a very mellow demeanor, and only fusses when hungry or overtired. We have gotten into a routine of wearing Teddy in the Ergo from 5 pm on, so that we can do the dinner/bath routine with Pierce. He's very cooperative! We have been spending our days testing out the activity mat (along with Pierce) and doing some tummy time. We are a little light on pictures from these two weeks, and I vow to take more during week 3 (even though the baby acne seems to be peaking).
Monday was my first day at home with both of the boys, and it was exciting in good and bad ways! We made it out of the house for a long morning walk and a trip to the "coffee store" (Starbucks) in Winchester, and spent some time playing in the backyard. I was not brave enough to venture out to do errands with both boys, since I still can't figure out how to navigate the shopping cart with a carseat/toddler combo. I'm sure those days of outings are not far off, though. Bathtime was a solo adventure, and involved a combination of feeding Teddy while Pierce lounged on our bed until I could read him stories in his room. It could have been better, but it could have been worse! I'm glad to have that first behind me.
Our first tub bath is tomorrow night for little Edmund, since his belly button just healed up! And we are going to try our first bottle this week. We will be sure to post pictures from that adventure.
Such cute pictures! We are eagerly awaiting your Week 3 update! Annette can't wait to take Teddy to the movies on Thursday...