This weekend Pierce was introduced to his Aunt Darcy, Great Aunts JoAnne and Vickie, and Great Uncles Eddy and Steve. Family was in town to celebrate Liz Morris' 60th birthday party and enjoyed a lovely cruise on the Charles River. Pierce charmed them all, and can't wait to meet/see more family this upcoming weekend (hooray Nana, Chris, Liz and Foster).
As Pierce enters his 6th week, he is up and alert for much longer periods during the day which have allowed us to play with some new toys. He loves his rattle, a couple of interactive "Jelly" balls, and his new play activity gym. He has discovered his own reflection in the mirror and coos away while batting at some of the toys overhead. Very cute!
He has also started making some noises and faces. He has mastered lifting up his eyebrows, pursing his lips, gazing (lovingly!) into our eyes, and there is a glimmer of a smile. Can't wait to see the real deal soon!
More blog posts, please! Erin is very curious to know what her boyfriend Pierce has been up to these days... :-)