On Tuesday Pierce had his official one month check-up. He is passing with flying colors in all areas except weight gain. He has been gaining steadily since birth but at about half of the ideal weekly rate of 6-8 ozs. So, feeling my first pangs of mother's guilt, we set about fixing the problem. After a meeting with an excellent lactation consultant on Thursday, Pierce and I have some new methods to try at feeding times, and I have already seen a difference in the way he eats. He was officially diagnosed as a mellow baby, who was waiting for the food to come to him rather than the other way around. Now, at each feeding, we offer him a tiny appetizer of milk from a bottle, so that he goes in hungry. Seems to be doing the trick--we'll find out for sure at our follow up appointment this upcoming Thursday.
Today (Saturday) was a picture perfect fall day. After a rainout last Saturday, we made our annual pilgrimage to Honey Pot Hill Orchard with Megan, Zach and Erin Bourque for some good ol' fashioned apple picking. It seems like the rest of Boston also got the message. We have some cute pictures from the day below. Next year, Erin and Pierce will be toddling their way through the rows of trees and eating their own cider donuts!
Pierce and I have been doing lots of tummy time, and he is a strong little guy. He is already rolling onto his side, and I have some video of him attempting to summit and descend his Boppy pillow. Pretty entertaining!
Hanging out in the vibrating chair:
Lounging in his Mr. Fix It outfit (thanks Uncle Drew!):
So cute! The exact same apple picking photos will be up on my blog very shortly!