Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our little beanpole

We had a great visit with our pediatrician yesterday where Pierce passed all of his benchmarks with flying colors. He is up to 8 lbs. 8 oz. working hard to get back to his birth weight of 8 lbs. 11 oz. The doctor thinks that all of his growth has gone into his height since he is now 22.5 in long--the 93% for his age. His cold seems to have vanished, so his eating is back in full force (another growth spurt?), so we'll hope his weight is way up next week. For now we have quite the little beanpole on our hands!

Pierce has decided that his favorite way to sleep during the day is on my chest in the carrier (which Halsey is modeling). He is quite content trekking through the house with me as I go about my daily business. I have my hands free and don't have to worry about him startling himself awake. Hooray! However, I do have visions of me tripping and squishing the baby. Not a pretty picture.

Today (Wednesday), Halsey's mom came over to lend a hand with Pierce and brought some delicious lunch and dinner along with her. She also gave some much needed love and attention to Sadie and Carter, who have taken the arrival of the baby in stride, but are in desperate need of some TLC. Thanks Liz! Hopefully Pierce is on a bottle every once in a while next week so then everyone can pitch in for feedings.

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