Sunday, September 27, 2009

Busy as a bee!

Before we delve into the weekend activities, an update on Pierce's weight gain....On Thursday, Pierce weighed in a 9 lbs. 3 oz. which was a 4 oz. gain from last week. Though still a bit low on the gain, we are making slow and steady progress. Pierce looks great and healthy, so we're definitely on the right track...I'm just looking forward to the day when I don't have to pump 8-10 times a day in addition to nursing!

This weekend Pierce was introduced to his Aunt Darcy, Great Aunts JoAnne and Vickie, and Great Uncles Eddy and Steve. Family was in town to celebrate Liz Morris' 60th birthday party and enjoyed a lovely cruise on the Charles River. Pierce charmed them all, and can't wait to meet/see more family this upcoming weekend (hooray Nana, Chris, Liz and Foster).

As Pierce enters his 6th week, he is up and alert for much longer periods during the day which have allowed us to play with some new toys. He loves his rattle, a couple of interactive "Jelly" balls, and his new play activity gym. He has discovered his own reflection in the mirror and coos away while batting at some of the toys overhead. Very cute!

He has also started making some noises and faces. He has mastered lifting up his eyebrows, pursing his lips, gazing (lovingly!) into our eyes, and there is a glimmer of a smile. Can't wait to see the real deal soon!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just Ducky

Looks like Pierce is wearing one of his favorite newborn outfits for the last time. His feet are officially too big for the duck footsies. On this last outing, we topped his outfit with a hand knit sweater by Aunt Liz. Not much news to report otherwise(until his check-up tomorrow), but wanted to show off our growing boy, and Liz's craftiness. Thanks, Liz!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What a week

This week was a roller coaster full of adventures and appointments galore. On Monday, my new moms group decided to go to the "mommy movie" of the week at our local theater which was Inglorious Basterds. Geesh--quite the selection! Even with the volume way down low and the lights up a bit, Pierce startled every time there was gunfire--and there was a LOT of gunfire. But, selfishly, it was fun for me to get out and do something I love with some new friends and their kids, and Pierce was the perfect audience member and slept the entire time.

On Tuesday Pierce had his official one month check-up. He is passing with flying colors in all areas except weight gain. He has been gaining steadily since birth but at about half of the ideal weekly rate of 6-8 ozs. So, feeling my first pangs of mother's guilt, we set about fixing the problem. After a meeting with an excellent lactation consultant on Thursday, Pierce and I have some new methods to try at feeding times, and I have already seen a difference in the way he eats. He was officially diagnosed as a mellow baby, who was waiting for the food to come to him rather than the other way around. Now, at each feeding, we offer him a tiny appetizer of milk from a bottle, so that he goes in hungry. Seems to be doing the trick--we'll find out for sure at our follow up appointment this upcoming Thursday.

Today (Saturday) was a picture perfect fall day. After a rainout last Saturday, we made our annual pilgrimage to Honey Pot Hill Orchard with Megan, Zach and Erin Bourque for some good ol' fashioned apple picking. It seems like the rest of Boston also got the message. We have some cute pictures from the day below. Next year, Erin and Pierce will be toddling their way through the rows of trees and eating their own cider donuts!

Pierce and I have been doing lots of tummy time, and he is a strong little guy. He is already rolling onto his side, and I have some video of him attempting to summit and descend his Boppy pillow. Pretty entertaining!

Hanging out in the vibrating chair:

Lounging in his Mr. Fix It outfit (thanks Uncle Drew!):

Sunday, September 13, 2009

4 weeks old!

It's hard to believe that we have had Pierce with us for 4 weeks already. It seems like just yesterday that I was still very pregnant and waiting for his arrival! The time has flown by, and I am already nostalgic for his first few weeks of his life but looking forward to what lies around the bend--like more sleep. Pierce gave us a 4.5 hour stretch last night, so hopefully we are trending toward longer sleep times at night.

We had a great week last week, including an outing to a real restaurant for lunch with my new mom's group, his first trip to Fessenden to meet my colleagues, and a delicious day exploring all of the fall goodies at our neighborhood farm stand, Wilson Farms. We capped of a leisurely weekend this evening with our annual neighborhood block party, where Pierce was the youngest kid on the block--for now--there are at least 3 babies due in the area this winter. He'll have quite a crew to play with!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Long time no blog

Where does the time go? In the days since we last updated the blog, our heat wave has given way to fall-like weather, school has started, and Pierce is almost at his 4 week birthday. He is back up to his birth weight (8 lbs. 11 oz) and gaining slowly. He's still growing lengthwise and is just over 22.5 in. Hopefully we can pack on the ounces before his one month visit next Tuesday!

Labor day weekend was gorgeous here, and on Saturday we took full advantage of the outdoors by hiking in the Fells (our local nature preserve) with Meagan and Doug Hall and their 6 month old Griffin (those are his arms above the backpack).
Sunday's adventures took us up to Rockport, MA on a picture-perfect day where we had lunch, delicious cupcakes and a walking tour of Bearskin Neck with Leah and Meredith. There were schooner races between Gloucester and Rockport so we all got to watch the boats sailing by. Pierce loved seeing all of the sites from the comfort of his Ergo carrier! He does seem to love fresh air and has enjoyed walks in both his stroller and carrier. He's showing signs of being a real outdoorsman (just like Dad).Monday was another fabulous day spent closer to home doing landscaping, errands and house projects--and taking pictures of Pierce. Here are some favorites from the week!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our little beanpole

We had a great visit with our pediatrician yesterday where Pierce passed all of his benchmarks with flying colors. He is up to 8 lbs. 8 oz. working hard to get back to his birth weight of 8 lbs. 11 oz. The doctor thinks that all of his growth has gone into his height since he is now 22.5 in long--the 93% for his age. His cold seems to have vanished, so his eating is back in full force (another growth spurt?), so we'll hope his weight is way up next week. For now we have quite the little beanpole on our hands!

Pierce has decided that his favorite way to sleep during the day is on my chest in the carrier (which Halsey is modeling). He is quite content trekking through the house with me as I go about my daily business. I have my hands free and don't have to worry about him startling himself awake. Hooray! However, I do have visions of me tripping and squishing the baby. Not a pretty picture.

Today (Wednesday), Halsey's mom came over to lend a hand with Pierce and brought some delicious lunch and dinner along with her. She also gave some much needed love and attention to Sadie and Carter, who have taken the arrival of the baby in stride, but are in desperate need of some TLC. Thanks Liz! Hopefully Pierce is on a bottle every once in a while next week so then everyone can pitch in for feedings.