Tuesday, September 27, 2011

3 months!

Teddy is 3 months old today, and while Pierce was at school, he did a little learning of his own...in the Bumbo. Here are some pics of him discovering his hands, and the joys of toys.

He's getting so big!

Friday, September 23, 2011

September Sillies

We've had a great month here in the Morris household, and it's hard to believe that Teddy is almost 3 months old. He's been growing like a weed (and his sleep pattern shows for it!), and Pierce has been loving how much more interactive he can be with his brother. Right now Pierce's favorite thing to say to Teddy is "no sad faces, Teddy, just smiles!", the proceeds to try and make Teddy laugh. It's pretty cute!

Teddy his the magical 12 week mark this week, and his personality really started to shine. His nighttime sleep is still inconsistent, though he wakes up only twice per night--you just never know when it is going to be. He now sits in his bouncy seat or activity mat for a much longer time, which has been great! It's hard to believe what a difference a week makes!

Pierce has officially entered his twos, and we have some real high-highs with some low-lows scattered in there. He takes great joy in running, being outside, and hanging out with his "favorite" friends (stuffed and human). There is a video below of him running through the sprinkler that is too cute.

This week Pierce has been testing out the no-nap thing. Not sure why he's staying up, since he is very tired. I think he may be getting his back molars in, which are making him feel a little unlike himself. Last week, after 1.5 hours of struggling to get him to stay in bed (he was happy the whole time), I just left him until the time his nap usually ends. When I went to get him up, he was asleep on his floor on a pile of his stuffed animals. He thought he had fallen out of bed, and thought it was pretty funny when I explained what happened to him!
We've had a great time this month with weddings of friends, a beach brunch celebrating Morris milestones, a trip to Philly to visit Chris, Liz, Foster and Molly. There are some pictures of the cousins together. Thanks to Chris and Liz for hosting us even though their house was threatened by flooding!

Rolling Around...

It's official...Teddy is in his own room! He's been doing a great job with the adjustment, still waking 2 times a night, but enjoying his own space. He is even testing out a brand new skill--rolling over. He has woken himself up the last 2 nights and during his naps by ending up on his tummy. On his mat, he has rolled from back to front, and yesterday rolled front to back. It's a great developmental step, but unfortunately, means no more swaddling! Wish us luck on the sleep front as he adjusts to life out of the swaddle and in the sleep sack. Looking back at Pierce's blog, we had 3 more weeks of time in the swaddle with Pierce, but he ended up being a great sleeper with the adjustment, so maybe it will work for Teddy too.

Teddy's been cooing and chatting for a couple of weeks, and especially loves "talking" during diaper changes. It's the only time Pierce isn't talking over him! There's a video of some chatting below

Teddy's also fallen into more of a daytime schedule, with a cycle of feeding, playing and sleeping happening every 90 minutes-2 hours. It's nice to have a little more predictability in his schedule, but we are still a ways off from regular naps and feedings. Right now he sleeps between 30 min.-1.5 hours per nap, depending on the day. Looking forward to those days of some "me time" during the kiddos nap times!