Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome 2011! (better late than never)

As I'm looking at the date I started writing this post (Jan. 4th), I am beyond embarrassed by how long it took to complete! I could give a litany of excuses, but let's just chalk it up to winter laziness. The good news is that beyond the holidays, little has happened, besides snow galore. We've spent 3 1/2 snow days at home climbing, jumping, building forts, shoveling, cooking, making play-doh, shoveling some more, and recovering from illness. It's been a long winter already, and it's only February. Good thing Halsey and I are headed to L.A. in a couple of weeks for a getaway and a little sunshine. Pierce has to wait until March to head to New Orleans for a wedding and a little warmth!

A belated Happy New Year to everyone! We have been enjoying the start to a new year, and spent time unwinding after a busy December full of parties, outings and travel. We had a wonderful Christmas celebrating in California with Nana, Pops, Liz, Chris, Foster and Uncle Drew...or according to Pierce "Doo-doo". We then continued the celebration in Winchester with a belated Christmas celebration with the Morrises. Pierce loved the Christmas tree (more than even the presents), and cried "twee, twee, twee" when we eventually had to take it down. Good thing there's always next year.

In January, we trekked to Bedford, NY to visit Scott and Alisa Harrison for their annual New Year's/housewarming party. There had been a big snowstorm the night before, so Scott, Halsey and Pierce enjoyed some playtime outside.
My New Year's resolution is to be better about updating the blog. I promise no more two month lags between posts, and some great pics of Pierce. He's coming up on 18 I'm sure we'll have a stat update soon. In the meantime enjoy some slightly outdated photos!